
Ala Cart Services With Straight Forward Pricing

LLC & Incorporation Services

LLC & Incorporation services - $200 plus state filing fee. Getting incorporated is an important step, and the main reason for this is to protect your personal assets. Should you cause property damage or bodily injury and get sued, you don't want your personal assets to be at risk. Setting up an LLC can protect your personal assets.

Motor Carrier Authority & DOT Registration

Motor Carrier authority & DOT Registration - $450 includes the federal filing fees. This is the basis for having your own trucking company. MC & DOT registration is regulated by the FMCSA (Federal motor carrier safety administration). You will obtain both an MC & DOT number. In some cases, only DOT registration is required. For example, suppose you stay in Michigan and do not cross state lines, as is the case with many dirt, sand, and gravel haulers. In that case, you don't need federal Inter-state authority (goes outside state borders) but only need to register for a DOT number and may need State Intra-state (stays within state borders) authority.

BOC 3 Process Agent Service

BOC 3 process agent service - $75.00 (this is a one-time fee). You must have a process server in all 50 states per FMCSA regulations that act as your process server. In other words, if you are ever served with legal documents, those documents will be sent to your process server, who then is responsible for notifying you. This is a federal requirement as many truckers can be difficult to track down due to being over the road.

International Fuel Tax Agreement

IFTA (International fuel tax agreement): $50 plus state fee. IFTA is an arrangement among U.S. states and Canadian provinces. Taxes are paid on motor fuels, and IFTA allows commercial motor carriers to register in one state and have these tax assessments paid out to all participating areas according to their fair share. Many states do not charge a fee for the IFTA license.


UCR - $66.00 plus state fee depending on the number of trucks running under your authority. The Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) is a federally mandated program that replaces the Single State Registration System (SSRS). The UCR Act states that individuals or companies involved in interstate travel must pay an annual registration fee based on their fleet's total number of vehicles.

Broker Authority

Broker authority - $525.00 and includes MC broker authority and a BOC3 filing. One other federal requirement for brokerage authority is that you carrier a "Freight Broker Bond." I can assist you in obtaining a quote for a broker bond as required by FMCSA. The required bond amount is $75,000. Pricing for the bond varies based on factors like being approved for a loan, such as credit history.

Broker authority is the permission granted by the government that allows you to facilitate load deliveries between shippers and carriers. Trucking operations and brokerages alike need to receive MC numbers before they can begin operations.

State Highway Use Permits

State highway use permits are only needed if you travel in or thru Kentucky, New Mexico, New York, or Oregon. These 4 states do not participate in IFTA. Therefore, if you travel in any of these states, they have their own highway use permits. Permit fees are per truck, and the costs are as follows:

Kentucky KYU permit - $40 (One-time fee – does not renew)
New Mexico wight distance permit - $50 (renews on an annual basis for under $20 per year)
New York Hut permits (Good for 3 years) - $100
Oregon – Oregon has a bond requirement to obtain their permit. If you regularly travel into Oregon, a permanent permit may be needed and, therefore, will require a bond. However, if you infrequently go into Oregon, it is usually more beneficial to get a 10-day permit simply.
Heavy Highway Use Tax

Heavy Highway Use Tax (form 2290) $69.99 plus the actual tax to the IRS. Anyone who registers a heavy highway motor vehicle in their name or company name with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more must file Form 2290 and pay the tax. Typically, owners of vans, pickup trucks, panel trucks, etc., are not required to file or pay tax on these smaller trucks. The full-year tax is $550, and the filing period runs from July 1 to June 30 each year. Depending on when you first purchase your truck, the tax is pro-rated. You will be required to show proof of this tax being paid to register for a license plate, and you will receive a confirmation via a form that is called a "Schedule 1".

MCS-150 Updates: $45

FMCSA requires all motor carriers operating under a federally issued U.S. DOT number to file a Biennial Update every 24 months or whenever there are any changes to the information listed under your authority.

No obligation Insurance Quotes

Please visit Skar Insurance Group LLC for a no-cost or obligation consultation and insurance quote from

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